Should add the poor man’s James bond. The anarchist cookbook. The army survival manual. There is an old army improvised munitions manual.
There are lots of fun reads that should probably be held onto.
Should add the poor man’s James bond. The anarchist cookbook. The army survival manual. There is an old army improvised munitions manual.
There are lots of fun reads that should probably be held onto.
I didn’t know they did this. Where can I learn more?
What the fuck, Bahamas? Life imprisonment?
Will already told you that wasn’t something he was interested in. Janet showed mild interest. She’d be up for it. But it wasn’t something that’s a priority for her.
So when you sent over the events and she talked to her husband about it. He could have easily expressed that he wasn’t comfortable with his wife walking around naked or having her walk around with other naked people. She doesn’t care about doing it enough that it’s worth making her husband uncomfortable.
It’s not about him telling her she can’t. It’s about each of them respecting each other enough not to do things that make each other uncomfortable. They are mature enough to have a conversation about things, express their emotions to each other, and value each other’s feelings.
I thought CA got rid of Jay walking bullshit in 2023.