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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I do look to have made it to your feed now! It deleted my 3 posts that were photos with short blurbs and kept my news article that is mostly text.

    We rarely get the meme type posts, but if your setup is looking at anything like text:photo ratio, that could be doing it.

    I have most meme communities block myself, so I understand how overtaking they can be to a feed. 😁

    I’m interested in what you’re doing because I am interested in news and politics, but it would be nice to get rid of most of the garbage US news and the dupe posts, and let a better variety of news come in. I’ve gone to keyword blocking, but while I have “Trump” blocked, I’d still like to see things from other countries about their responses to his actions., for example.

  • I think manga/anime covers mostly one sided rivalry better than a lot of other media. I think it’s that drive for perfection that pushes many characters. One is already shown to be near perfect, and the other is always trying to catch up.

    Examples would be Bakugo and Midoria from My Hero Academia. Midoria is by far the most powerful and sees Bakugo as a friend, not a rival, but Bakugo is obsessed to outdo him and keeps pressing himself to find a way to do something Midoria cannot.

    I also think of Ippo and Miyata from Hajime no Ippo. There is a bit more 2 sidedness here, but it is mostly Ippo. Miyata sees they are becoming closer in skill, so he leaves the gym to build himself up on his own away from Ippo, and though Ippo beats people that would outclass Miyata, Miyata is still the one Ippo wants to beat since he set him on the start to his success but still was usually one step ahead of where he wanted to be. Miyata wanted to stay that one step ahead, but wasn’t constantly using Ippo to do that after a point, he knew he had to keep looking for greater challenges if he didn’t want to be surpassed.

  • Honestly, as someone who largely disliked social media and was typically a lurking doomscroller that was ready to quit social media altogether at the reddit app ban, what made the best change ever was becoming someone who is primarily a poster.

    I post what I want, when I want, and I get to start the conversation that way. It’s always a topic I want to talk about, and it’s something there isn’t much to argue about, and all the interactions will be 99% positive.

    It’s a small crowd here, so you can get people that are ready to talk with whoever reaches out to the masses first.

    You can take time replying to people, and if no one is talking at the moment, it gives you time to plan a next post.

    Pick a topic you enjoy and make yourself our local expert. That prompts you to keep actively learning about something you enjoy too so you can answer people’s questions they ask you.

  • It’s great it’s not an all or nothing thing. It lets you see what components make a bigger difference and then you can pick and choose what you do when.

    I wish trial sizes were a thing though. GF bought a ton of stuff that either didn’t help or made her hair worse, so there’s a lot of 90% unused bottles, which at least I end up experimenting with, but some of the styling stuff I don’t use so it just sits there forever.

    That’d be a good business for someone with more patience than I. Buy all this stuff and sell little travel sizes a la carte. One year I got her a ton of perfume sample so she could find new fragrances without a big upfront expense and she’s really enjoyed that, and we learned Kohls sells a few products like that we’re you get a few samples for the price of a single bottle and it gives you a code to get a discount off the one you like best.

  • I always had straight and flat hair and kept it really short for the last 20 years. The girlfriend tried curly girl for awhile and while her hair isn’t really curly, it really made the waves much more dramatic and it looked amazing.

    We’re not big on regimented routines though, so while she stopped it after a while, we still get most of the same products, and even just with that selective purchasing, her hair is still nicer and softer than before, and it made me want to grow my hair out, and now I have very handsome looking waves I never thought would have been possible for me.

    The Curly Girls speak the truth, even if cowashing and plopping sound like silly things!

  • 230 is important for online free speech, and just like free speech is used in real life, such as protesting against racism, it also protects those protesting for racism. It sucks in some cases, but people of all perspectives have found this a worthwhile compromise for 30 years.

    With 230, we protect our online places of assembly. Without it, our right to gather online is greatly endangered.

    Say you record police committing abuse. You want to share it online so people can learn about it and spread the word. Host takes it down to avoid being accused of threatening the officer, liable, inciting violence, etc. If the host doesn’t take it down, now you are both open to civil or criminal penalties if they so choose to go after you. If it’s legal or not, do you have the means and will to fight them in court?

    Yeah, some Nazis get to dog whistle and push misinformation, but 230 also protects you and hosts that let you tell them off and that they aren’t wanted. Lose 230, and now you could be the one in trouble or getting your favorite site shut down.

  • Techdirt

    This week, Durbin will join U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Josh Hawley (R-MO), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) to introduce a bill that would sunset Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act in two years. Section 230—and the legal immunity it provides to Big Tech—has been on the books since 1996—long before social media became a part of our daily lives. To the extent this protection was ever needed, its usefulness has long since passed.

    Here’s a less biased source from the Judiciary Committee.

    Debate on 230 has been going on for years. The Left wants it gone so they can hold people responsible for crimes like CSAM and revenge porn and other things like spreading hate speech.

    As for why others may want it gone, here is a quote from last year from Lindsey Graham:


    “However, the real prize will be to make sure social media companies no longer enjoy absolute legal immunity under Section 230," Graham said. "I am committed now more than ever to continue to advance my legislative efforts to ensure that those harmed by social media outlets have the ability to seek justice in American courtrooms. Without repealing Section 230, nothing major will change.”

    For the “harm”, think if the recent Supreme Court cases where the plaintiffs’ harm turned out to be fake but the case was still found in their favor to protect their ”right" to discriminate.

    All those complaints about “right wing opinions being suppressed”, consider your site illegal.

    Organize a general strike, illegal.

    Make a “threat” against a politician or CEO, illegal.

    Site owners in addition to the person “breaking the law” are now liable, in what I am sure would be uneven enforcement.

    Check out the History section of the Section 230 wiki entry to see things that have been tried in the past and imagine those protections gone.

    Cutting your ability to receive credit card payments if something against the rules occurs in your site, shielding you from liability if someone uploads their manifesto and commits a crime, someone catfishes a minor in your site, and much more would change.

  • I had my home before I met my ex and my current gf. Like you, I was used to paying for everything, but contributing makes people feel like they’re an active part of the whole home situation, so my thought was always:

    1. They get the groceries. They will have different tastes than me, and it’s the only bill that really doubled as soon as someone else was here every day.

    2. They are the main provider of outside the house activities. Going out to eat. Buying gifts to bring to parties. A bigger chunk of vacation budgets. I’ve already got the home expenses covered. I got to pick the home, so they get to pick the outside of home experience for our life together. It splits up the choices instead of just the money.

    Both people were making significantly less than me when but relationships started, though but eventually evened out. This split of things also let them ramp spending up or down with how well our overall financial picture was at the time without any worries of actual bills being paid.

    Also as I said, I already had picked the home itself solely on my own along with all the furnishings, so letting them spearhead the non-permanent aspects let them feel they contributed an even amount to the relationship and let them put forward their personalities in unique ways. Both people are very different in who they are, and both really enjoyed the way things were split up, so it seems I struck on something.

  • Not a topic I’m super familiar with, but I feel I’ve heard people often are either robbed or have their items confiscated by authorities. Same with unhoused people not wanting to have stuff that would make them a target.

    If it was something you had a little bit of prep time for, ziplocking USD or EU and seeing it into a grubby jacket where the repairs would blend in and not garner attention would be the most portable and effective thing to do while minimizing theft potential, other than having all eggs in one basket unless you split it between different garments. Also make sure it is pretty weatherproof to prevent mold damage.

    It also has the benefit of being immediately usable, should you need to pay for transport or food. If it was seen in a puffy coat, one could discreetly remove one pack of bills while leaving the rest secure. The immediacy that cash can be used may make up for having something potentially more valuable that you would have to barter or fence, as pretty much any human has a need for cash.