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I can also be found on the microblog fediverse at @[email protected] or on matrix at
New Zealand. The whole country feels like a national park especially the south island. However, you would need to rent a car to get to and between a lot of places.
TikTok basically invented shorts. Maybe Snapchat.
That would be Vine
Existing stress, changing temperature and shifting building structure. Any and all of those can cause it
Any place with anonymous/ephermal account and posts as the default is going to attract the worst people in the world…
Alguien robo mi telefono en Santiago, pero ella tiene muchos lugares excelentes para hamburguesas y cervezas :)
Estaba en Santiago de Chile en Enero de 2024, pero nunca he estado en EEUU
Yo tambien! Soy australiania, pero hablo espanol :)
For there to be a meaningful criticism to be made against people who don’t adopt, adoption would need to be accessible to folk who want kids.
In Australia, queer folk have only been able to adopt since 2017. Even for the straight folk, accessing adoption is next to impossible for most folk. It takes years and lots of money, and it involves the couple (only couples, not singles) being greenlit by the birth parents, which means queer and racial bias is another hurdle.
In theory, you can do international adoption, but that has to be by the books, or the adoption isn’t recognised. And and that means dealing with the adoption systems of two countries. It takes time and even more money that adopting locally, and most countries don’t allow same sex parents to adopt.
Visualize a bunch of children. Some are on the streets and some are in foster care centers
Kids on the streets can’t be adopted. The system doesn’t work that way.
And kids in the foster system can rarely be adopted. It’s sometimes possible, but if adoption is your goal, fostering isn’t the way to go about it, because most of the time, adoption won’t be possible. Mostly, foster kids get moved around, and returned to their birth families after a period of time. Fostering is laudable, but it’s not adoption.
And all of this altogether means that the adoption system is inherently biased towards rich, white straight couples. If that’s not you, you’re effectively locked out of the system. And on top of that, it doesn’t even help the kids in your hypothetical scenario
Well yes, that was my very point :)
Using this approach, everything that can’t be disproven must exist
That’s what the different sorting algorithms are for. Trying sorting by “active” or “scaled” and see how it goes
Sure, if you fall out with a group, you might end up shifting your views when a new group you join sees things slightly differently. Lots of progressive groups fight and argue with each other over the specifics, and it often gets quite heated. But that’s not the same thing as radically shifting your moral compass to point in another direction altogether.
Photography, and if we want to stretch the definition, storytelling (medium agnostic)
But whenever I get downvoted and shouted down for voicing an opinion that aligns with conservatives, or simply isn’t “leftist” enough, it makes me want to distance myself from “leftist” ideology and adds to my disillusionment.
Why does disillusionment with the people involved in a movement influence your opinion on the ideals behind the movement?
Should the idea itself be bigger than the people that espouse it? If empathy and compassion are worthy goals, you don’t just give up on them because other folk don’t display them. If rejecting sexism is a worthy goal, you don’t dial up the sexism because some folk think you don’t go far enough in rejecting it.
It’s 222-2222. I got an answering machine that can talk to you
Otherwise, you can reach me on 867-5309. Ask for Jenny
But you surely agree that both of your statements to be are at odds with each other.
You can’t simultaneously claim that an increase in diversity leads to a “reduction in richness” of a work, whilst also claiming that the work itself is the problem if it lacks diversity.
First, you are claiming that good works are diminished by after the fact alterations, but then you also claim that after the fact alterations are a bad idea, because the work was never good in the first place if it lacked diversity.
It more looks like you are finding post hoc validation to support something you already believe, rather than explaining the actual reasons you believe it, because those reasons contradict each other
My phone number. She bought us both pre-paid phone numbers over 20 years ago, and it’s the simplest number to remember because it has two sets of 3 matching numbers.
We broke up long ago, but I still have that phone number!
TIL, hiking to Mordor can be dangerous :P