It’s previously rained frogs or fish from clouds, at certain times throughout history.
So, cats and dogs is an even more intense version of that maybe.
It’s previously rained frogs or fish from clouds, at certain times throughout history.
So, cats and dogs is an even more intense version of that maybe.
Opened and revived a DOA GameGear by cleaning off the furry, green, PCB corrosion. Didn’t have any Isopropyl around, so I used vodka.
Noice (Ambient sound app, on fdroid) has a bunch which are nice.
I was surprised how pleasing the jet-hum and occasional fasten-seatbelt-tone is. (online boardgames)
Shattered Pixel Dungeon
Simon Tatham Puzzles
Lichess app - Puzzle of the Day
Gurgle app (wordle) (endless mood-scroll Wikipedia)
Bone conducting headphones
Peltier personal AC neck coolers. (eg Coolify2)
Warzone 2100 is an RTS that fans petitioned a company to release as FLOSS, after support had ended.
You can let it run.
I find it clots better by using tissues to plug the flow.
To tilt your head back if you have a blood nose.
This is no longer recommended advice, because you end up drinking the blood which causes vomiting.
Way to stop them is put ice over the back of neck, plug nose with tissue and clear clots each 2 mins.
More like, Zapp Brannigan for NPD.
An older text, reinterpreted by Meaty McMeat.
It is awesome!
Excellent chat option with very elegant construction.
Text messages are instantaneous. Small images (~200KB) are a few seconds. It is not really built for large files, but that can take up to a few minutes.
Images and video are downsampled to a smaller size before sending, to save bandwidth. (Quality holds up well and there is an option to attach as a ‘file’ if full resolution is needed.)
Hold mic-button to send voice messages.
Jitsi integration for video calls.
I am also trying the fork: DeltaLab UI that includes a few extra changes.
The setup is easy.
I would recommend using it on a dedicated email account, only for DeltaChat usage. See the docs.
Setting ‘delete messages from server’ to ‘after 1 week’ will make sure your online storage is never going to get full. (Server messages can be deleted once transmitted to all clients installs for the recipient)
One of the best FDroid finds over the last year, highly recommended!
As happy as Larry.
Now… who is Larry, why is he happy, how happy, like a little bit or ecstatic?
Be like Larry.