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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2025


  • It can be done and has been researched. See Project Plowshare.

    People who say we can’t build fusion reactors are only partially correct. (And no, I do not mean that we can build tokamaks that are net energy negative.) We can build energy-positive fusion reactors, and we’ve known how to do so since the 1950s.

    The idea was that you would build an enormous underground chamber. Then fill it with salt. Then detonate a small hydrogen bomb inside the chamber, instantly boiling the salt. You then run the salt through turbines to generate electricity. You power a city by setting off a nuke every one and awhile.

    The results of this work were that yes, it seems possible to build a power plant that runs off of hydrogen bombs. We do in fact know how to build a fusion reactor today. The problem? Simple economics. This method just isn’t cost-competitive with traditional electricity sources.

    This should serve as a cautionary tale for those hopeful for the future of fusion or advanced fission concepts. It doesn’t matter if you manage to build a tokamak that returns net energy. Ultimately it’s just a cool science experiment. What DOES matter is if you can do it cheaply. And this is actually why I’m skeptical of fusion as a power source. Even if we do ever manage to make non-bomb fusion plants produce net energy, they would struggle to be cost competitive with renewables+batteries.

  • Yeah it just makes sense. Everything has a little bit of consciousness in it, even subatomic particles would have a non-zero amount. But the consciousness of these particles then combine in complex and nonlinear ways. Something like, IDK, the combined consciousness of a collection of particles is proportional to their individual level taken to the n power, where n is equal to the number of particle interactions. Totally guessing on the actual math, but it would be something complex and nonlinear like that. If you could quantify consciousness, and humans had a measure of 1 consciousness unit, then the consciousness of an electron would be something like 1/Googolplex consciousness units. Something insane like that. Technically nonzero, but so small as to make an amoeba look like a intellectual giant.

  • Let’s bring more chaos to this process! At some random time during the month, the power grid will just automatically turn off. No warning. Just instant lights out.

    Its duration will be determined by a log-normal distribution or similar. So the average duration will be 24 hours with a long thin tail going towards longer durations. There will be a very small chance power is out for the whole month. There will be an even smaller chance power will be out for a whole year. Also, the duration will not be announced at the start of the outage. You’ll just have to sit there in the dark for who knows how long.

    All home power generators will also have to be hooked up to this control system. Any home with active power during a deliberate grid blackout will be bombed by automatic drone.

  • How do you open a jar? Oh, I just use my hand meat.

    Uh. I would never use my raw handmeat to open a jar. I use the power of my mind!

    Jars are at less than ambient pressure. There is a constant external net atmospheric force pushing the seal down. I find it most convenient to simply remove that force. I first don a pressure suit. Then, I take the jar and walk into a large walk-in hypobaric chamber I’ve built right off my kitchen. I enter the chamber, and then wait approximately 20 minutes for the vacuum cycle to bring the chamber to a partial vacuum. The air pressure in the chamber now matches the air pressure in the can. Once the cycle is complete, I effortlessly remove the lid with a gentle twist. Then I wait 20 minutes for the repressurization sequence. I doff the pressure suit and I then continue my cooking.