last time I gave out an invite to an internet rando I had to check with staff if it was allowed, it was, but the person never used their account so I just wasted an invite
wiki-user: WarmApplePieShrek
last time I gave out an invite to an internet rando I had to check with staff if it was allowed, it was, but the person never used their account so I just wasted an invite
Normal ratio on private sites with free seed torrents because your download is heavily distorted
deleted by creator
The bill starts off by saying football is organisationally incompetent and can’t make money because it’s too stupid to do it right, then blames piracy. Yeah right.
DRM isn’t necessary, but they will do DRM if they can. They can, so someone gave them not so bad DRM so they wouldn’t use worse DRM. The USA could make DRM illegal, but it did the opposite.
How do you think files get onto Soulseek?
and search is crippled
It’s usually iptv. Why is iptv so much easier to bust?
We can violate their property right when we remain untraceable.
1377x and yts-mx are fake clones, read carefully
dbzer0 eventually. maybe soon. there’s a reason pirate sites don’t use .com
dbzer0 will be taken down too one day
Why do pirate sites voluntarily leak all their data to big corporations?
Seems as if you don’t
Music pirated by “the scene”. You know because the file names are similar to other scene torrents, like “Zatox-Overdrive_(Original_Mix)-(ITAL044D)-SINGLE-WEB-2024-AOV”
Music pirated by “the scene”. You know because the file names are similar to other scene torrents, like “Zatox-Overdrive_(Original_Mix)-(ITAL044D)-SINGLE-WEB-2024-AOV”
Have you been on any torrent tracker that allows scene release uploads?
Music pirated by “the scene”. You know because the file names are similar to other scene torrents, without spaces, like “Zatox-Overdrive_(Original_Mix)-(ITAL044D)-SINGLE-WEB-2024-AOV”
They probably used IPT forums.