Seriously depends on your local water source. Our tap water has more than enough mg, ca, and other mineral ingredients to start making it a pain in the ass (hard water). But it is (of course) drinkable, and tastes quite good.
Seriously depends on your local water source. Our tap water has more than enough mg, ca, and other mineral ingredients to start making it a pain in the ass (hard water). But it is (of course) drinkable, and tastes quite good.
Geometry, class six or seven.
It is the fediverse welcome package.
There are places where they have trees all around their houses. Like in California, where they just had been more fuel to the fires.
Definitely. We lived in an old house without central heating, and I know what hunger is. My father died when I was a kid, after a long sickness, and taking care of him and us kids took a lot out of mum.
Now I can support my family from my income, with both kids at unversity without debts.
Yes, we are better off. But the way to here and now was hard.
Regardless what i do, the results are shit. If i set language to English, it tries to present me with English tranlations of German YouTubers, if i set it to German, it tries to translate English YouTubers to German. Both kinds of tranlations suck.
Block them. If they have something interesting or important to say, just quote it. Don’t send them even more traffic and attention.
I just dropped Kbin from my bookmarks yesterday. I’m sad to see it gone, as it had some nice features.
Because the rich just pay politics to provide the law they want to have.