That’s… really fucking cool…
Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.
That’s… really fucking cool…
I do this with stonework. My wife’s started doing it now too. When we first got together, we’d be on vacation and she’d point out what she thought was great stone work. Without being a dick about it I would automatically point out things that are super obvious to me, 15 years in the trade next summer. “That’s a structurally severe crack, that’s an obviously amateur patch, why the fuck that person was let anywhere near a restoration job is beyond me, that’s got another 5 years max until it could potentially fall and kill someone…” Etc etc etc.
Now our vacations tend to be us going from restaurant to attractions or whatever, and stopping along the way to criticise shoddy stone work.
I know I show favouritism with people and pets- - - had to consciously remove that behaviour
Yeah, definitely feel that. And I do my best not to let those feelings colour how I treat any other beings…but, you know… sometimes you’ve got that one friend or pet, and you love em to bits, but they’re the asshole of the bunch. 😅
Also, favorites are just way too situational. My favorite color? On what? A hamburger? Pink. My clothes? Black. My computer? Mauve.
My favorite food? For which meal? How was my day? What have I eaten recently?
I had to really think hard to even come up with a favourite colour. Dunno what the name would be for it, somewhere between turquoise and seafoam green?
But I’d never wear clothes that colour, or drive a car that colour, or pick a phone that colour. So is it actually my favourite?!?
There are some easy favorites. My favorite hoodie is the one that my, now ex previously partner, brought to me while I was going through one of my lowest points in life. I’m grateful they let me keep it.
I have a favourite shirt, it was my stepdad’s, I had stayed at his after a show just a few months before he started to get really sick from cancer. Hadn’t been diagnosed yet. My buddy had puked and hit the shirt I’d had on, so the next day my stepdad gave me an old shirt of his. It was full of holes. That was almost 10 years ago. He passed away less than 6 months after he gave me that shirt. It’s now more hole than shirt. My wife always forgets it’s history, that it was one of the last few things he gave me before he died. She’s tried, soooo many times, to get me to toss it. Thankfully she’s started remembering, and I don’t have to fight to keep it any more.
My favorite thing about life is learning.
Me too, a quote I like about it, that I’m certainly going to butcher, goes kinda:
The more I learn, the more I realise I know almost nothing.
Had an ex that was working on a Master’s degree in medicine, can’t remember exactly what field. Lab/research stuff. She hated that quote. Said it gave her existential dread.
I personally love it, feel like that realisation of not knowing as much as I can pushes me to learn more, to grow. You know?
I’ve always been bed at picking favourites
Fuuuuuuuck…✊ The struggle is real…
My wife’s tried to spark up the whole “death row final meal” discussion with me a few times. FFS, on the rare occasions I actually get a food craving, I can’t even decide what I’m craving!
Option paralysis
This is the theme of my life.
First comment:
Hard agree, I like to reframe stuff like this in the same way the OP picture is. I have a really close friend in the States. He’s a GOP backer, his parents were, and their parents ad nauseum. His instinct is to be liberal, not like…L liberal, or D democrat. But he wants better affordable healthcare for everyone, he wants to be able to give a homeless guy he sees on his way to work every day a sandwich but can’t for fear of trouble off the cops. He didn’t vote, literally wasn’t able to afford to leave to vote. Staunch Trump supporter, weirdly considering his obvious socialist/liberal beliefs, until everything started falling apart these last few weeks. Won’t admit he was wrong. But we had a long conversation about how he’d side with Canada if it came to an invasion. Every time he comes out with something he was told growing up, hammered into him as truth… Civil War was about economic differences, stuff like that. I gently disagree, with us that usually takes the form of me cussing him out, and pointing him to innumerable sources that counter, with evidence, what he was taught. He then calls me a dirty so and so, says “well fuck…”
Been friends 5 years this December coming, maybe with a few more years I’ll have him deprogrammed enough to not only participate in his democracy (if there still is one) but to do so in his own best interests.
These people for the most part aren’t our enemy by choice. They’re the victim of systemic underfunding of education, and the twisting of the historical narrative. This is a generational effort of cultural programming.
Are some people beyond saving? Maybe. Probably, actually.
But the spectator-sportification of the American political system is at fault.
Second comment:
This is fucking gold. I’m inspired to look back through my comments. A month or so back I had a chat with someone here asking for help fleshing out ideas for Godzilla Through Time creative writing. I think you might jive with that.
I don’t reread conversations for entertainment, but I do find myself going through my comment history on Lemmy for reference. Same with text convos. I’ll have a memory of saying something, and look back to sanity check myself.
What was your favourite comment that you made? Is there one that makes you smile?
And that’s pretty much always been the case.