Throwing some support in for Nightwish. They’ve some good shit.
Throwing some support in for Nightwish. They’ve some good shit.
My wife, and a personal code of ethics.
Everything else lands somewhere between “trust but verify” and “it/they will kill me and everything I love the second I let my guard down”.
But sleep is the best part of this dumpster-fire of a reality.
Any song that just repeats the same shit on loop for the entire duration.
For example “Say” by John Mayer just says “say what you need to say” 42 times then it doesn’t even have an actual ending, just fades out. It’s definitely not the only song that follows this model.
Music by nature has some degree of repetition, but jfc make more than just two measures before you publish it as a song.
If we’re going full sci-fi, I want to fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, then go STRAIGHT to REM. …and actually stay asleep long enough for any of that to mean jack.
Ooh, that would for sure handle viscosity better than IV tubing. Good call!
Some toilets have a perfectly round bowl so they don’t stick out as far and take up less bathroom floor space - and they work fine, but only in bathrooms that anticipate the vast majority of its occupants to be equipped with a vagina. For those of us rocking a penis, those fucking toilets are horrible - sitting on that damn thing requires you to contort your junk around like some sausage-Houdini as you’re sitting, so that you can guide it through the remaining 2 square inches of open space not occupied by your legs or ass. Then when you’re actually seated, you still have to sit there and awkwardly hold the thing so it stays pointed straight down.
Fuck up any part of that, and the tip of your dick hits the seat or the inside of the bowl.
…and they must be like $3 cheaper than an oval toilet or something, cuz 99% of US apartments seem to be equipped with the round, vagina-only toilets.
Oval bowls are the way. No matter what’s in your pants, it gets the job done without the significantly increased biohazard risk.
I guess in fairness, the problem isn’t with their design, it’s with the people who purchase the toilets treating them as sex-neutral when no the fuck they aren’t!
I’m incredibly confused about how you’re supposedly to measure liquid laundry detergent with the cap.
You just gave me a stupid idea. First measure out the exact volume of detergent you need for one load - eyeballing it I’d guess 20mL (I’m notoriously terrible at eyeballing volume, so, grain of salt) - then get a 20mL syringe and some IV tubing (it’s got one-way valves, so when you connect a syringe to it and draw up, it pulls from on side of the line; then when you depress the syringe back down, it goes out the other side). Tie something heavy to the intake side of the line and throw it in the bucket of detergent. Run the other side of the line to just above the detergent receptacle if your machine has one; or near the door for you to just aim it.
Load clothes; pull syringe, push syringe, close the door, run the machine. No detergent dripping all over the place!
…detergent is probably too viscous as-is to go through IV tubing at an acceptable rate, so you’d probably have to dilute it with water first to thin it out, then adjust the amount you pull accordingly.
Water has both adhesive and cohesive properties, and this bullshit is one of the results. I hate it so much. Basically the bit of wwater in contact with the surface of the spout likes to stick to that spot; and the above that likes to stick to the water stuck to the surface and so on, making it kinda roll along angled surfaces even when it seems like gravity should be yanking it right off.
And they absolutely could shape the spout in a way that stops this - they just choose not to.
Never heard of the oil coating trick @DontRedditMyLemmy mentioned, but it makes sense - oil is hydrophobic, so that could eliminate the adhesion part of the equation; and without that moving the stream initially, its cohesion won’t be an issue either.
Apparently LoTR - which gets major bonus points for depicting its male protagonists as consistently not toxic - fails the Bechdel Test, HARD.
Enjoy this compilation of every scene from the trilogy that holds up to the test:
Psh. I boycotted football before it was cool!
This isn’t a political comment, football is just fucking boring.
…idk, that one guy kinda killed it for me.