Oh yeah for sure it’ll be an old fashioned normal watch. Ditched my smartwatch last year.
Oh yeah for sure it’ll be an old fashioned normal watch. Ditched my smartwatch last year.
Well yeah. They’d care if it lead to impeachment or something though.
Absolutely hate cars with those stupid big screens on the console. Give me buttons and knobs any day.
I loved minidisc. It was just too late to the game with mp3s hot on its heels.
I know, crazy right? The thing must be 20 years old now. Shows how versatile it is.
Yep. And it doesn’t need to be charged every night like apple watch or similar.
Am looking for a new one if you have any recommendations.
Projectors that use actual acetates? Wow.
Came to say this. Fax just refuses to die.
I was thinking they’d be the easiest to reconcile - Christianity is just Judaism with extra steps. Islam is very similar to Judaism even though no-one talks about it. Jesus exists in all three but they have different takes on him.
Before she passed my Nan had chronic arthritis. She had many joint replacements (both hips, a knee, shoulder, pins in her wrists etc) and without medication life was a misery.
One thing she said gave her genuine relief was acupuncture, and she wasn’t into pseudoscience at all. Maybe is was a placebo effect and it was expensive but it was worthwhile for her.
Was on holiday a few years ago and came down with food poisoning a couple of hours before catching the flight home.
I was vomiting every 30 mins like clockwork. In the taxi to the airport, while queueing at the airport, on the flight, while heading home at the other side. Just awful. I’d never been that ill before or since.
Vomited subsided after the first day but couldn’t eat much for a couple of days after otherwise it was back to square one. Was heavily fatigued for about a week after.
I won’t say what country I was in or the specific dish I suspect made me ill, but I will say i think it was a chicken casserole-type dish I had 36hrs prior. Its served in a signature pot and the restaurant was busy. Having worked in kitchens in a former life I think they re-used the pot and leftovers from another customer and just topped it off. That or the chicken was bad.