Well I’m being a little deceptive for the joke of course, but he just felt like Jesus was sitting in the chair and then talked to the invisible Jesus.
The guy ended up doing a bunch of stuff at my highschool and which really bugged me because he only ever had surface level religious phrases to say (motivational speaker kinda stuff but with more Jesus) that glossed over some really big issues we were all facing at the time.
The phrase “we aren’t free until we’re all free” applies to animals as much as humans, and thinking otherwise is straight up bigotry. That so few extend leftist thought to the rest of the living world is a travesty, if you’ve managed to come around to leftist thinking then you’ve absolutely been capable of challenging your pre-conceived biases and this is just another step in that process.
All that said, I’m not one to judge people for not agreeing with this. It took me an exceptionally long time and the right circumstances to finally reassess my reasoning and to realise it was absurdly flawed, hypocritical and informed by propaganda.