Its the same as its always been. There was always a small subset of the population interested and developing computer sciences. There was never this time where all the youngins knew computers like they did breathing. That was a fallacy.
Its the same as its always been. There was always a small subset of the population interested and developing computer sciences. There was never this time where all the youngins knew computers like they did breathing. That was a fallacy.
I cleared out an old desk at work and found 3k in cash in an envelope. Turned in all the papers I found to accounting but that one. Nothing ever came back to bite me and I gave it all to my brother, he paid rent with it for two months.
When I was young there was this dude constantly hitting on my (now fiance) girlfriend. He hopped in my truck one night cause he was friends with my buddy. They all went into McDonalds and I stayed in my truck and smoked. He was a dealer. I went in his backpack and took his weed stash, hid it in the new speakers I just bought. Dropped them off when we got home and he didnt know until a day later.
Wait did we have to be the deceivers?
Generally, everything would just be plain better as their dragon hoards are actually spent, and they dont hoard GDP from the rest of us. But you’d probably see a public service boom wherever they invested, and you’d likely see a lot less people struggling with anything from bills to food to even entertainment.
You’re taking this too personally. I’m already in my 30s bud. That happens regardless.
Thats cool. One problem, its hard to cancel when your stress addled brain forgot.
I am terrible with time and stress and managing all that and it definitely backfires on my friends. Especially when The Day comes and I have somehow stacked overlapping plans. I dont do it on purpose but the stress of life is honestly becoming overwhelming for me and it does spill over to effect my plans with my friends. Maybe talk to them? I try and my friends are very understanding but they do get annoyed. Its why I never make plans, to stressed to remember them.
They’re probably too small to taste and digest. You probably got some in you right now.
Nicotine. No cigs anymore but never got off the vape.
I found they usually huff until nearly shitting themselves before schoffing once more.
Because the majority of dudes complaining are incel man babies who need to feel like they are the focus of society. If its not exactly how they like it its not right. Its time we start shouting down on them loudly.
The journey wasn’t taken from you just because there is no destination
Neon Modem is a console Lemmy app
Does the why matter when the end result is another recreation of an xkcd comic?
Or they could use ActivityPub
Thats unfortunate. I’ll be moving instances then. Giving Meta a chance is a lot like giving a mosquito a chance to not suck your blood.
Is this Oligarch we traded for in the room with us now?