you are, though. your personal information (like usage data) is going through them
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you are, though. your personal information (like usage data) is going through them
maybe this would fix spotlight: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/windows-itpro-docs/blob/public/windows/configuration/windows-spotlight/index.md
feature wise I believe the latest iot ltsc edition is based on the last version of windows 10
what features does it miss? it is perfectly capable of running firefox, steamd and games, and whatever else.
it does not have that crap microsoft store, that’s it. but if you really need it, you can install it and then it’s there.
because the game itself wants to load the steamapi program library and connect to the steam client. but there is no encryption or other heavy protection involved. grab a steamemu (like the famous goldberg emu), install it for the game (basically copy/replace a file) and done
a few weeks ago I have seen watchdogs legion in a few streams an liked it. Recently it had a sale (maybe now again) but saw that it uses denuvo, the ubisoft launcher and that it needs a ubisoft account. no thank you. I’ll rather pirate it and be reassured that it’ll have less malware in it
I can’t find the plugin I first discovered this with, but this basically demonstrates it: https://github.com/notjosh/yt-dlp-GlobalCyclingNetworkPlusDRMWorkaround
wiki article on plugins: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/wiki/Plugins
they have a plugin system. afaik drm breaking features could ve kept in a plugin they dont have to touch
that does not matter if the subscription is on your name (and address)