Stop re-electing these ancient incumbents who are WAY too comfortable being Republican-lite. Vote for younger candidates, preferably someone who was born AFTER the Battle of the Bulge.
Stop re-electing these ancient incumbents who are WAY too comfortable being Republican-lite. Vote for younger candidates, preferably someone who was born AFTER the Battle of the Bulge.
For me, it’s a close race between Boost and Connect.
I think the questions are from bots, testing topics to farm controversy or outrage points. The greater the number of replies, the more likely the topic will be used in a future marketing or agit-prop campaign.
So you get these really stupid, controversial, psychopathic takes that no one should be taking seriously. The point of the exercise is the emotional reaction, the outrage, not getting a serious answer.
This. “It is a cheap generosity that promises the future as compensation for the present.”
The purpose of discipline is to live MORE fully. Not less. There’s nothing noble about suffering.
I recommend Keepass. It’s freeware, is available on all platforms and supports biometrics (fingerprints, etc) on Android devices. It also encrypts the password file on your device, so you can keep a copy of that file on a cloud service without worrying if that service really respects your privacy or not.
“Died unblocking my sacral Chakra.”
Just wait until bots learn how to write agit-prop. We won’t be able to keep up with it.
A media player that isn’t just a modified android tablet in a box with an HDMI output. (And loaded with spyware). And doesn’t require an always-on internet connection.
Trump himself was a visitor to Epstein’s pedo island. A lot of rich people were there as well and there are lists and proof of it. The notion that Epstein killed himself in his own jail cell is ridiculous. A lot of people wanted to see him dead.
You should be using Lemmy instead of Reddit. It’s defederated, and it’s spread out over 600 Instances in many different countries. This way, one rich egomaniac can’t ruin it for everyone else.