I’ve been online for almost thirty years and have never - knowingly - seen “dae” as an abbreviation.
I’ve just looked at my instance on both my app (Voyager) and my mobile browser (DDG)
The difference in presentation is stark.
Federation is where one instance “talks” to another and exchanges content. If your instance isn’t federated then you’d just be stuck with your own content and members with no outside interaction.
Never, ever, under any circumstances, think that you’ve finally done everything that needs doing.
Mentally, yes. Financially, no.
Humans be allowed in, on and across roads in many countries. Jay walking is the most insane non-crime I’ve ever heard of. I still don’t really believe it exists…
So, yeah, car centric cities are both terrible and insane - but not every city in the world is that way; thankfully.
I speak a bit of Spain Spanish, but with an Andalusian / Canary Island accent and grammar. The biggest problem you’ll probably find is that exactly the same word can have different meanings in different parts of the world.
I also speak some French, poorly. No idea with what accent.
I personally would not hesitate to recommend the Michel Thomas language courses. I learned more in twelve hours then I did in three years at school.