Well, for one thing it only works asymmetrically. It’s fine if you have a very specific source of issues that you can isolate and cut off, but it’s not really useful if what you have is hostile users across the network. And it only protects the larger space. For smaller instances it’s a choice between functioning as social media or not existing at all.
It’s extremely far from a magic bullet, it is not resilient to large scale, systemic issues and the only reason its limitations haven’t been apparent is that the AP ecosystem is too small to suffer most of the issues of larger social media.
Aaaaand it’s designed to function via the petty squabbles of FOSS developer arguments, which I hate anyway. But that’s a me thing.
Who cares? I’m confused. Why is their upload relevant in the first place? I thought all the IP holders were out there arguing that the download was the issue.
Never mind that in this case there is a profit reason for the download in the first place. Even in notoriously lenient areas with copyright that is a bigger strike than whether they reseeded anything in a peer to peer platform.
But hey, here we are, I’m rooting for Meta here. Absolutely put all the money in dismantling overreaching copyright regulation. Let’s find some Duck Tales comics or whatever in there. Disney vs Meta in court over copyrights. The Godzilla vs Kong our generation deserves. Let’s do it.