I don’t know what to do with all that VERY specific knowledge.
Anonymously tip it to regulating authorities?
Or the news, to force a resolution and get some amusement?
Maybe I’m too much of a keyboard vigilante lol…
I don’t know what to do with all that VERY specific knowledge.
Anonymously tip it to regulating authorities?
Or the news, to force a resolution and get some amusement?
Maybe I’m too much of a keyboard vigilante lol…
Yeah I find prepositional F-bombs to be annoyingly juvenile. I remember lots of people in highschool who would get a mind blank and go
“Like…fuggin… Whatever” to connect their thoughts lol.
An “um” is okay. LOL I’ve had to somewhat train this out of myself too… As my mind randomly blanks mid-thought quite often lol.
"Hahaha what a nerd. "
– Gates & Buffet, from Epstein Island, probably
Also “move objects on”
Just gonna delete these bills here… Hey why not the whole mailbox?
I also once had a sim make enough garden gnomes to fill every single tile of the street… Then he kicked one. 😂
I notice a lot of comments here saying “Hey go live your life now! Pick up that guitar or paintbrush or dancing shoes or whatever! Live for you!” And I agree. I often struggle with these existential thoughts.
But something they might leave out is that it’s HARD.
Following your own path can be unpredictable, and meandering, and you need to know who to trust and lean on them, and let them lean on you.
It can be a one-move-to-the-next kind of existing without that facade of “predictability” a society-prescribed life will get you. The good news is that stability is a myth anyway, so why not see it for what it really is?
I was treading water in a soul-destroying job for almost a decade when I finally saw the opportunity to strike out for myself, and I ran for it. My wife was promoted to a position that paid more and she didn’t hate it, so we discussed it and I quit, and took on more household duties and put my efforts towards finally becoming a 3D artist.
It’s been like a year+ and I still haven’t “made it” yet! It’s scary! But I’ve gotten some gigs! I’m still slow, and not as wildly creative as I’d like to be, but I do random labor on the side and try to keep my costs as low as possible. But she’s happier with how not-depressed I am, and I’ve made so much progress more than I ever would have otherwise.
Are we even able to start saving for retirement? Not even close! But I’m betting on myself and in the process I get a lot more time well-spent with the person I love.
No, not everyone is gonna have these opportunities or privileges, I know. But keep looking, talk to people, DO THE WORK instead of just talking about it. Help people! Let people help you! There will be some foothold for you somewhere.
And if you gotta pull some shifts at a coffee shop to keep the lights on there’s no shame in that! And you’re gonna have people who think you’re crazy and try to pull you back into the pot with the other cranky crabs because you’re there reminding them that they could’ve done something with their lives too.
My point is, taking charge of your life instead of asking permission from various gatekeepers is HARD. You might follow your dreams and find out you suck at it. The dream might even change at some point.
But it’s worth doing. Because what’s the alternative?
Lord knows if the worst were to happen, your boss will be filling your job before your body is cold. So where is your effort, energy, discipline, talents, love, best spent?
As Bruce Lee once said: “Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.”
I’d add, “one worth living.”
This comment descended more into bizarre whimsical madness with every paragraph lmao.