3 months agoIn my 20s, I (a guy) briefly dated a girl who was hopelessly infatuated with a gay guy. I guess technically it wasn’t a triangle because the gay guy had a pretty serious boyfriend, so more of a quadrangle… She got in between them, got him drunk & got herself knocked up, he “did the right thing” and married her, had another kid, then they got divorced after he had an affair with a guy…
It’s funny, I have her friended on Facebook, mostly because the drama is often entertaining, but I usually keep my comments to myself. When the divorce happened, she made this long post that basically said “woe is me, how could this have happened?” I couldn’t resist responding with “maybe because you married a gay guy?”
Minor nitpick, it’s not friction, its compression. The air can’t move out of your way fast enough, so you push it ahead of you, and as more air gets smooshed together, it gets hotter.