Apparently it’s not. I had to search a bit on the website so unless you just want to plant trees, which is laudable, don’t bother.
Apparently it’s not. I had to search a bit on the website so unless you just want to plant trees, which is laudable, don’t bother.
Oh my sweet summer child,!
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Not when it’s not subsidized.
Yes I have and found it often keeps tense situations from escalating. It sets a more friendly tone in general. An old buddy from a town I lived in 20 years ago mixed it up and says "mother flower!”
Mole verde. I also cooked some beef, I’ll do veggies after a bath. The last room can wait until tomorrow. I’m pooped!
I’m using the terminology you chose. Rough, I need to get back in shape! Moving furniture to clean under and behind is so. much. fun! But later I get to have a hot soak and my house is smelling nice. Not least of all because I’m cooking, too.
Lol. That’s… Quite a stretch. I do not consider this context as being insulting. I said I’m doing this between chores, and I need to think about it. Nothing more, nothing less.
On the face, it seems reasonable, but I’m not so sure. I’ll think about that.
To me, that sums up the meaning of the eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The nakedness represents our innocence/vulnerability, so we as humans seek to hide it, in order to protect ourselves, from being hurt by others, especially those who have some perceived advantage over us. The garden was a safe space of ignorance. But it’s illusory, and so I’m not entirely convinced the serpent (representing wisdom, not just knowledge) did us a disservice. But you’d have to delve into hermetic kabbalah to get the whole story. I’ve only scratched the surface, and that’s over the last couple of years. Life has it’s demands.
I wouldn’t say unintelligent, I would say untrained to think beyond certain constraints. We break through one barrier, then another.
To my mind, the question is the same for evolutionists and creationists: where did the stuff come from that caused the big bang and where did God come from. And the answer is the same: it’s always been there. I agree about rearrangement of atoms. And also, Adam is atom but that’s a whole metaphysical discussion of kabbalah/quabala and I am doing this in between chores so I’m not particularly interested in opening that can of worms at this moment.
If it helps someone to get through a difficult time by believing there’s a higher power rooting for them, or who has pre-planned their suffering for a greater good, they may choose to believe that because it’s mentally easier.
Additionally, it can be a catalyst for seeking novel solutions and developing strengths we never knew we have if we can get over the victim mentality and allow it. I’m not saying that’s always the case. A stroke of fortune is often required.
Death is a certainty. That’s what it leads me to conclude. Idk what happened after death. I do know sweating it isn’t benefitting me or my loved ones. What does benefit all of us is loving each other and doing what we can for each other with the time we have.
Imo, things can affect logic, like mood, nutrition, health, how much people have happening at once. So yes, I like to think I’m fairly logical, certainly a lot less emotional as I age. But I’m not wedded to it, because I have faith I’ll wake up tomorrow, but know there’s a possibility I won’t. That seems logical.
I’m not so sure about that. Anyway I can only speak for myself. I’m not ”100% confident” in my personal beliefs. I believe what I put out in thought, word and deed eventually comes back around, although perhaps not in the exact way or form, from the same venues, that I put it out there. Can I prove it? No and that’s why it’s “faith” and "belief.” I’m not trying to convince anyone, but am open to discussion, when I’ve time and inclination, and feel it’s in good faith.
Maybe some hold both in esteem and sort ideas accordingly holding all is a bit of the whole.
Anything from the 70s or later 80s-early 90s. Psytrance.