Might be your resume, or even that you have too much experience. Some employers are looking for desperate low level experience in some cases
Might be your resume, or even that you have too much experience. Some employers are looking for desperate low level experience in some cases
I used reddit for resume advice, and they critique it, r resume I believe. But make sure to be specific in your request otherwise you might get all over the place answers. But it will be hard if your resume is lacking experience.
I feel like networking is done mostly in person and tech mostly used LinkedIn
im in a forum that specifically for social media , how to get around bans or how to “make money” using those ban evasion methods.
yuck facebook, ive seen people who cant handle criticism move there, because they can delete or have control of thier discussion at will, without getting reported themselves.
i do, especially with a forum i am on after i was banned from reddit, its was discussing how people were recently banne dand how to evade it.
i think there still alot of porn on reddit, all kinds, its just reddit have purging many bots/users who have hundreds or thousands of accounts for no good reason since they dont make it to front page anyways.
they already try to force porn users on mobile to use thier crappy app if you dont want to login, or use thier app. thier app makes it easier to mine your data and recognize your device for easier banning.
still is, since many accounts are there to just spam thier OF profile.
thier obssession with using AI to do all the searches is also excluding the actual sites you want to see.
depends on the forums, some entrenched mods like in the main military forum(joining) are very anal. and some dislike you mentioning any kind of race, when its relevant to a medical issue.
it was great before trumps first term, then everything became to sensitive and you started to get banned for the slightest misconstrued statement. my first ban was in his first term, never before.
remember the purging of SUbreddits the GOP was whining about becoming illegal? shoplifting,etc.
i still play RA2, apperently there isnt a primary forum for it, but people still play the modded version.
whatisthisthing, and whatisthisplant were very interesting niche subs. it will be hard for people to come here, as there are also adjacent subs. also medical conditions too they are found on a ton of forums.
forums tend to be more restrictive in certain subject. i was in a health type forum, where i was not allow to mention the word black people, or african american, because they its racist trolling, when its really not.
we have official forums for joining the military in the USa(if one is thinking about joining , its best to ask questions there instead of reddit). just dont go to main forum site for the military. the mods will give you attitude if they dont like what you said after they gave you a piece of thier mind on why you can or cannot join a specific service.
theres one catered to the other services for(if you specific conditions, or legal issues) they tell if your condition is DQ or not, or your chances. i was actually surprised how many people with past record of serious illnesses trying to join.
medical question forums are out there, and spread out.
they already forced ads on discord.
most of them, but alot of them for niche subjects are still there. theres one i go to where people were banned from reddit (tons of accounts used for linking, OF and advert) basiclaly they are reporting thier experiences the same way here as right there. medical forums is still alive though, as are "joining the military"ones.
got permaban on 5+accts because reddit did what similar pornhub did, sanatize the site and only corporate content was left. it was getting increasingly hard to comment as anything other than right wing comments.
so basically a right wing propaganda/astroturf instances, no thanks had enough of that on reddit.
Alot of them use software to automatically screen people out, specific keywords.