It is a communist plot to pollute our precious bodily fluids!
It is a communist plot to pollute our precious bodily fluids!
Not for more than 28 days of the year. Non-consecutive isn’t a way around that. People have tried and some do get away with it but others get caught and usually any structure has to be demolished and land seized.
Realistically 29 days no one is going to bother you about it but when its clear you are living there that is when they will most likely turn up.
It is illegal to do so. You cannot live on your own land for more than 28 days of the year unless they give you permission to live on it. Which of course a house comes with that permission, a patch of woodland does not.
The government is the only one stopping me from buying a small patch of woodland and building a cabin there to live in. Get rid of that and suddenly I no longer have a reason to work more than a handful of hours a month.
Better: I live near the sea so I can easily cycle to the sea for a swim in my lunch break. My PC is a lot better than the one my dad had at the time and relative to inflation costs a lot less, even without inflation it isn’t that much more. Worse: Pretty much every other way. I guess my job is safer but we both have to work while my mum didn’t have to work. We don’t have kids either.
Autocorrected from unfoldable. This is what I get for occasionally browsing on a shitty Amazon tablet. At least it was cheap to the point of being almost free.
If your stick is unbreakable and unavoidable you have already broken laws of physics anyway
Some will
And your irrefutable proof is…?
Primary goal is to survive in the environment you are in, how many might have a desire to escape that environment but lack the ability to do so? Leave it all behind and live in a cabin in the woods isn’t exactly an unheard of idea.
As long as nothing dominates I am ok with it