Would you happen to be able to tell me why using the lower domain doesn’t work? Also am I using the right terminology?
Would you happen to be able to tell me why using the lower domain doesn’t work? Also am I using the right terminology?
Ideally the Fediverse would have a single domain…
Educate me a bit. Would it be possible to create a unique low level domain like www for the Fediverse? Imagine fed.service.instance/data as the structure perhaps?
This sounds neat, I kinda like this
I thought this was a shit post at first because same
Looks like it has the ability to poll your accounts periodically to check for notifications. I presume this would then send a push notification, and the most frequent interval is 15 minutes
I guess to be fair, most of my time working with electronics was alongside the USN so that makes sense
I know you’re not wrong but I’ve always heard that pin called “ground” instead of “earth” in English
Go ahead and throw your pixelfed username out here once you’ve made it. I assume you do furry art at least a bit based off your profile which isn’t a super uncommon niche here, probably a few lurkers who’d love to follow
Electric motors have high torque at low RPM
For anyone scrolling by and curious about this, this is caused by the combination of physical and electrical resistance. In a typical engine, RPM and torque go up together because it requires more force to get to those higher RPMs (IIRC this is called positive correlation). In a circuit, you have to kind of convince the electricity that it would be better off somewhere else (by connecting to a ground, this is due to electrical resistance), so you have to give it a heavy upfront load to get it going which causes a lot of torque due to the physical resistance
I’m stealing that quote, that’s fuckin fantastic. If you came up with that, kudos
Brother that is the funniest fucking portmanteau I’ve seen in ages. Thank you for this lmao
I don’t think anybody can dethrone Google Maps
I wonder how the whole “AI is more important than copyright” thing could play into this… Someone could totally program an “AI” map assistant right?
Yo, startpage looks sick. I’ll have to poke around and see if I can find more info on that it looks super useful. My quick test just now was “cloture 2025” which returned 4 news articles followed by basically nothing but .gov links, whereas Google returns way more “news”
Yeah I think I’m headed in this direction. I’ve also been thinking about one of them self-hostable search engines a lot
People are giving great answers here. One I didn’t notice at a glance is that the Fediverse is feckin small. Most of the world doesn’t know it exists yet, and centralized social medias are probably not gonna be super big about pushing that info through their algorithms
I’ll really really appreciate this. I like having a few federated services to bounce between when I’m bored, but not a huge fan of actually using pixelfed since it’s more akin to social medias I never used. Having pixelfed content more easily accessible in Lemmy will make it a lot easier for me to interact with larger portion of the Fediverse
Not technically my first lease, but the first one that I’m financially responsible for which is pretty neat…
Ya know I was gonna say “all things considered” at first but I realized that it’s actually only neat if you consider only a small portion of things. If you consider all things, you would realize that paying rent in a post-scarcity world is laughable
Just cause you’re right doesn’t mean it’s polite lol
Thank you for teaching me a bit! Ya know, I bet my computer science classes taught me this at some point. I should pay more attention to my readings lol