Just started tunic tonight. Good timing
Just started tunic tonight. Good timing
Collapse of civilization is right around the corner.
I wouldn’t be so sure. History is filled with examples of power grabs that endured for generations.
I mostly agree with you on the morality of abortion. The only problem I have with your analysis is with the temporary nature of pregnancy. There are risks in pregnancy that can have permanent consequences. Even if the birth goes off without a hitch, the mother is often left with weight gain, stretch-marks, and a risk of post-partum depression. Incisions are often needed to widen the birth canal and sometimes a C-section is required which is major emergency abdominal surgery. These risks are entirely taken on by the mother.
If we look at morality as having things people should do, and things people must do, only the musts should be law because the shoulds can be more open to interpretation. I wouldn’t assign my morality onto others. I would classify going through with a pregnancy as a should.
Yeah that is so out of the blue, I’m not sure what to make of it. I think most people don’t even realize SpaceX/Elon want to colonize mars.
Bodily autonomy is different than “freedom to go about your life as you see fit”. Carrying a baby and giving birth come with risks and responsibilities and it changes your body. All of this risk is for the baby at the expense of the mother.
Analogy: let’s say someone needs a kidney transplant or they will die. Turns out, you’re the only match. Donating a kidney is not risk free and your body will be changed for the rest of your life. Should you donate? Yeah, probably. Should you be legally forced to? Absolutely not.
To me, this analogy completely solves the issue. I can say that life begins at conception and still say that bodily autonomy is a right. It doesn’t matter if the fetus/baby is a person yet, as long as the mother’s body is being used to sustain them, then it’s the mother’s choice.
Probably not ideal but I use Google drive for synching and it worked fine. The database is encrypted so, at worst, Google knows I have a password manager.
Almost everyone had their phones in cases before phones had camera bumps. Phones have camera bumps because they realized they might as well use the extra thickness for more camera hardware.
You weren’t lying. I was looking for “knowledge” games similar to Animal Well and Outer Wilds and I saw some reviews making the comparison. Tbh, I was a little underwhelmed at first. I thought it was a good game but it didn’t feel like what I was looking for. But the back half really opened it up. Figuring out the mountain door puzzle was like a jaw on the floor moment. By the end I had several pages of graph paper with notes and sketches.