This is another example of the type of thing it would be great for conventions and clubs and such to host.
This is another example of the type of thing it would be great for conventions and clubs and such to host.
Yeah I get that but it does not make snail mail any more secure. It should be done right but when they are not going to do it right anyway and snail mail is an option. I would prefer to be allowed to take the option taht is at least usable. As it stands now in the US its just legal to not provide you clients with statements because that is what it effectively does.
I mean I want this as part of the system. I actually want my bank statement sent via email without sensitive information in it. I mean I really. really. wish we had what you do but im not keen on digital documentation being an email that says log onto the site. Its like getting a postcard that says hoof it over to the office. Since email is no less secure than snail mail I see no issue with statements going out by email if its just not going to be done properly. I mean I give my accounts nicknames. I don’t need the account numbers on the statements or anything else crazy like my ssn.
I mean it should not be. It should be run if no one is using it but government communication should always be through it so you know its legit. I’d be fine if it was not popular. I mean if everyone sent everything through ups and fedex I would still want usps to be a thing here.
yeah its hard for an essential service to die. I will spout one of my super downvoted opinions but I think every government should be providing email service the same way they provide physical mail service. With all the rights currently given to physical mail. Im not saying as the only option and im being idealistic in thinking we can do like what we did with physical mail in this modern time. But I don’t care. Its essential and there should be a version people have that is a right and cannot go away.
nope but my lingo interpretation is way dated and by the time I uptake something its out of fashion.
lack of sun in winter means its right out. its always nice to not be bundled up but height of summer can be oppressive which is like mid to late. Thing with spring and some degree fall is it can be wet and colder than you want for rain. I don’t know if I have one favorite season but I think I have the most days I enjoy being outdoors in the summer with it usually tending to be earlier summer and then spring and then fall with winter being the bottom of the tier. Even if the sun were out in winter I think it would be bottom. Its nice having a few snowy days to enjoy if its not bitterly cold but it loses its charm pretty fast.
I mean most fandom I have seen have more than one wiki as there is more than one wiki company.