1 month agoAn easy answer as it is not for a mortal to decide which gods are deserving, rather the gods must decide by whomever survives.
An easy answer as it is not for a mortal to decide which gods are deserving, rather the gods must decide by whomever survives.
5 day weeks, 6 weeks per months for 30 days each, 12 months in a year, 5-6 days of celebration of the new year.
I love the idea of working 3 days and being off for 2.
Filters; opt-out of negativity. I switched to Voyager from Boost because it supports filters and I can just blacklist topics that cause me stress. Anywhere I can just stop a topic from ever entering my perception, the better. A single bad headline may ruin my mood for hours from just a glance, better to never get the chance.
Subscriptions; opt-in to the topics and news you care about. Find a good source that offers curated feeds instead of a firehouse of everything. You can only care so much, so use that attention sparingly on things that deserve it.
Avoid algorithms. They are designed to keep your attention on them and outage is good at that. Save your health, find it yourself.
Community. Find people, groups, or organizations that have a similar mindset and share good content with them. If they share good content in kind, you all can improve your state of mind.