I think I might be able to answer this one from my perspective. I was born in a Portuguese speaking country, so on paper my mother tongue should be Portuguese (which it sort of still is). But we moved when I was a kid and I lived in multiple countries, so I went to international schools for most of my life. English then became my mother tongue over time and it is dominant over Portuguese. I now work in an organisation where English is the main working language, but I live in France, so I acquired a third language, just not quite at native level. Here are some of the interesting things I’ve observed:
- I have slightly different “personalities” in different languages. This may be a reflection of exposure to different cultures and times of my life I learned these languages, but also very much a confidence thing. I am funnier and at ease making jokes in English than the other two languages.
- Some words I only learned in one language because of timing and circumstance. There are technical terms I know only in English because of my work. There are motorcycle parts I only know the name of in French because I bought my first bike here. I birdwatch, and for some birds’ names I default to English, while others I use their French name.
- Because of moving around I was exposed to a lot of different cultures, which is awesome, but that means I have cultural weak ties to my countries of origin (I’m also mixed race). If anything the one cultural constant in my life has been anglophone media (especially American) which had a mot of influence. I identify more with Anglo-Saxon culture but also feel vaguely European. I even sound generically American, which throws some people off when they learn I never lived in the US nor Canada.
- Knowing multiple languages fluently can obviously make it easier in some ways and make things more accessible. It also made me very adaptable. When I arrived in France I narely knew the language. Once I gained fluency, everything became much easier (well, as easy as this country can be).
- One disadvantage is that in some ways I am always the “other” (though not just because of language). Everywhere I go I feel like a foreigner, hence the username. I speak English to my kids, and that makes me stand out and people treat me as if I’m some sort of exotic being. It’s gotten better now they’re in a more international school.
- It’s harder to find people who “get it” because they lived through the same experiences.
- At work I sometimes have meetings with Portuguese speaking people but I’m uncomfortable speaking Portuguese in a work setting because I miss many of the terms. So I often default to English which confuses people because I’m from a lusophone country and I speak fluently.
There are some messier issues around identity that I won’t get into because those aren’t limited just to language, but the above are things that have stood out to me over the years.
I’ve saved a few recipes over time, here are my favourites:
For legs/drumsticks: https://natashaskitchen.com/baked-chicken-legs-with-garlic-and-dijon/
If I don’t have time to marinade overnight: https://www.modernhoney.com/the-best-chicken-marinade-recipe/
Easy crowd pleaser: https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/perfectly-grilled-chicken-breasts.html
If you have tahini lying around: https://www.thechunkychef.com/tahini-marinated-chicken-buddha-bowl/
Fajitas: https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/chicken-fajitas.html
I have a couple of tips to improve on pretty much any marinade recipe:
Lemon/lime juice: Omit if you’re marinating for more than 1h and replace instead with zest. The acid will cook the meat and the exterior will be drier.
Brine: I usually wet brine before in a water+ salt mixture (1 Tbsp kosher salt/1 cup water, NOT table salt) for 1h for chicken breast, 2h for thighs/legs, then marinade. If you do this, don’t add salt to your marinade. Do not do this if your marinade recipe calls for soy sauce or anything equally salty.
Also if you want to try fried chicken without deep frying I suggest brining some skin on thighs/legs then trying the following recipe: https://www.thespruceeats.com/southern-oven-fried-chicken-3058647
It’s not exactly healthier but it is pretty tasty. It’s even better of you can use ghee instead of butter but that might be harder to get your hands on.