Artificial scarcity in it’s barest form.
The fact that even some people think this shit is acceptable is very telling of how far we have yet to go, psychologically speaking, as a species.
Monkeys in fucking trousers.
Artificial scarcity in it’s barest form.
The fact that even some people think this shit is acceptable is very telling of how far we have yet to go, psychologically speaking, as a species.
Monkeys in fucking trousers.
Not in my experience.
“Weird Shit” is always a possibility when there’s any power at all in the system. The PSU will keep low level power supplied for a surprisingly long time after being unplugged from the mains. 💛
EHCI (system config) data was corrupt. Possibly from pulling the GPU while the motherboard board still had power (or residual power in caps).
CMOS wipe resets to blank and that data gets rewritten after BIOS runs the “wtf is plugged into me” routines triggered by blank data.
That’d be my guess.
Orbiting is falling to earth, but going so fast sideways that you miss, forever.
I mean, you’re not wrong… XD
“With a big enough engine you can make a barn door fly.”
What do you think fusion research is?
I played the shit out of I-War 2 decades back now… Cracking game that was :D