AuDHD cat. If you don’t know which pronoun to use, go for it/its.
What if the government
“The government”. Am I thinking of Anna L. Strong on the disconnect between people and “government” in western countries.
Ah, my point is that you seem to think yourself distant from the government. You don’t take part in making decisions, some entity (“government”) does.
Edit, yes I am, This Soviet World, “ON INTERPRETING A WORLD”
I note a remark about American unemployment: “If it gets any worse, they’ll have to do something.” Who is this ultimate, uncontrollable “they”? The term betrays the class society of which the speakers are unconscious; they are waiting for some boss to act. To hear a debate: “Is America going fascist?” and think how much less passively Soviet folk would word it. “Shall we go fascist? No. Then exactly how shall we prevent it?” Soviet folk say “we” of one-sixth of the earth’s surface. Uzbek cotton-pickers, toiling under the sun of Central Asia, say: “We are conquering the Arctic; we rescued the Chelyuskinites.” Ukrainian farmers who never went up in an airplane talk of “our stratosphere records” and “the loss of our Maxim Gorky airplane” as they take up collections to build ten new ones. But even Mrs. Roosevelt asks me: “Are Russian peasants getting more reconciled to accepting direction?” I feel the hopelessness of language as I answer: “No, they are learning better to organize and direct themselves.”
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When it looks like this
You can still tell.
As all the others have said, its about convenience, being able to check just one place for news is nice.
As for feeds. If you feel like your day is too nice, too happy, try it itself is an aggregate of news from many humanitarian organizations, which means the stuff that comes in can be a bit grim and miserable.
You are already living in a class war. You are below the poverty line because of it.
Your joke wasn’t funny.