The purple green thing is the privacy protection for Dolby Vision in action. I dont have a fix, apart from to keep downloading different releases until I find one that just works™️
The purple green thing is the privacy protection for Dolby Vision in action. I dont have a fix, apart from to keep downloading different releases until I find one that just works™️
You know there’s homeless people and slaves in China, right? I mean, obviously there is in America too, just making sure we’re clear here.
The technique you’re looking for is called Candling. I used to do this when I made the flu vaccine.
Its basically a light with a rubber cup on it to focus the light into the egg. Works really well.
Here’s a random website that seems to have good info:
Candling will not tell you if the egg is fertilized until Day 4 or so, when the veins start to develop.
I dont admit to know all the details, but if the encode can’t be parsed properly by the decoder the colors will playback all purple and greenified