Shape of Punk To Come is a straight up masterpiece. Blew my tiny mind in '98, when my world had come to revolve around whatever Epitaph and Fat Wreck were putting out.
Just a guy standing in front of the internet asking it to please not
Shape of Punk To Come is a straight up masterpiece. Blew my tiny mind in '98, when my world had come to revolve around whatever Epitaph and Fat Wreck were putting out.
My wife and I are finally in a place where we’re financially comfortable enough to book tickets to things. So we’re seeing Alanis Morissette in Cardiff in July, then we’re off to the Royal Albert Hall in September for a performance of Holst’s Planets.
These aren’t big things by any means, but her mobility isn’t great and our income hasn’t been amazing, so it’s nice to have something on the calendar that isn’t a reminder of a bill that needs paying.
Split Fiction came out a few days ago and is excellent. My wife and I are a good way into it already and are enjoying it every bit as much as we enjoyed It Takes Two.
Yep. Welder in a previous life, and can’t go to travelling fun fairs without casting an eye over the rides.
Yes Jeff!
I don’t necessarily think it’s underrated because it’s the underpinning of a major religion, but;
Existence is suffering.
The first noble truth of Buddhism that I don’t think enough people really grasp.
On first read, those three words sound like an angsty teen being all sad, but a deeper exploration tells us that to expect a life of ease and unending contentment is to set ourselves up for continued disappointment and anguish.
When I first really absorbed the meaning of this it actually made me feel incredible. I am alive, therefore my knee hurts. I am alive, so I’m worried for the welfare of those I love. And when I considered it even further I began to understand that this is something that connects us all, regardless of our status in the world. From the most powerful kings and presidents to those sleeping rough begging for change; we are all fundamentally the same.
For me, it’s really helped me to push through boundaries that have stopped me being more assertive with those who are more powerful than I am; managers, bosses and such. My boss worries about stuff the same way I do. It’s probably different stuff, sure, but he’s still experiencing existential pain.
I am not a Buddhist, nor am I particularly spiritual. But I take a lot of inspiration from that phrase.
I say “That’ll do pig” almost daily. It’s basically a tic for me at this point.
Hands down, Ron Swanson from Parks & Recreation.
He’s a libertarian who firmly believes in his right to self-determination, but doesn’t force that view on those around him; he lets them live their own lives and is there to help them whenever they may need. I do somewhat envy his ability to ignore the meaningless bullshit around modern life, how he paddles his own canoe and strives not to be in anyone’s way.
But most importantly, he’s fond of pretty, dark haired women, and breakfast food, and who can argue with that?
When I was assessed for (and diagnosed with) ADHD when I was 39, 5 years ago, I asked the psych whether my obesity was perhaps linked to it. He replied that, “no, probably not. Most of the people I see are thin”.
This had the double whammy of making me doubt my diagnosis and consider that I’m just an irredeemable fat cunt.
Which was nice.
Born in 80, so a similar vintage to you; and yeah, we have connections and information now, but I feel like we should have stopped some time around 05, before smartphones really took hold.
I’m absolutely willing to accept that I’m wearing the highest grade rose tinted goggles, but not having to do everything online certainly felt better than whatever all this is. gestures broadly
I remember what it was like before I could stave off boredom at any time, but even then I don’t think the convenience outweighs the problems. Though in fairness it’s not really the phones, but the companies who make billions from us using them. But those companies had nowhere near the same amount of power, and I can’t help thinking that was a good thing.
“This is 99% Invisible, I’m Roman Mars”
I dunno whether it counts: but that science has effectively cured AIDS.
In 2004, 2.1m people died from it. Twenty years later that figure was a little over a quarter at 630k. The goal for 2025 is 250k. I think that’s absolutely remarkable.
As a child in the 80s I was terrified of AIDS. It made me low-key scared of gay men because the news made it sound like I could I could get it from any one of them. And here we now are, able to provide a medication that can almost completely ensure that you will never be infected by HIV.
Astonishing, really.
I went to a Sikh wedding once, and spent the day hanging about with a bunch of the guests, all of whom were British or Indian. I spent the whole time amazed that they’d seamlessly switch between English and Hindi, apparently without noticing.
I have an iPod that I use for music and I love it. I could put Rockbox on it so I don’t need iTunes, but I do really love the stock firmware.
Anyway, point is, my 2nd gen iPod mini has 128gb of microSD storage and is the best portable DAP I’ve ever owned.
I think Refused are one of those bands who don’t need to be big. They do their thing, then they disband for a while, work on other projects, then come back together.