I don’t know if you cancan call it underrated, but bacon and egg is the best pizza
I don’t know if you cancan call it underrated, but bacon and egg is the best pizza
I bought the iPhone 13 mini as my first ever iPhone, because it was better sized than the android alternatives.
I’m seriously considering a feature phone instead for when this one eventually goes.
Yes, a few songs from bands I’m not really that into, but great memories when I hear them.
Pinch Me by Bare Naked Ladies reminds me of sitting around in my friends room whilst he downloaded songs on Napster.
Every You Every Me by Placebo reminds me of a particular girls bedroom back in high school and the way she used to spray her deodorant everywhere before I visited.
Smells Like Teen Spirit just generally reminds me of old high school friends, the three of us - a punker, a metal head, and… all I can really say is, he liked the Prodigy… but we could all agree on putting on Nirvana and having a good time.
I have an external camera facing the front entrance to our property, and then some motion detection cameras inside, one pointing at each external door.
They don’t dial anywhere, just recording to surveillance rated SD cards. I have an option for them to call my phone when motion is detected, and I tried that out, it works fine. I only turn that in if we’re staying away from home.
This seems to be suitable for our area.
Neapolitan. We always seemed to have it around when I was very young.
That was how this morning I learned fitgirl had a comments section.
I can only say, learn how to fix things. Like, everything. Because everything is going to fail at some point, and that $4000 quote to fix it doesn’t look so good.
Rodents or possums in the ceiling, call the local pest expert for advice. They’ll usually give you that because they don’t want to come out and get in your roof stage themselves.
Snakes? Don’t go under the house in hot weather. Keep trimming the grass/weeds close the house especially if your kids play there.
Invasive root systems like white poplar near the house? Either have a professional kill and relive the tree, or did up the roots every time you see a shoot come up.
Generally look around the house. Think about how each thing could fail (gutters, roofing, stairs, electrical, plumbing, paint, windows). Think of worst case scenarios for those things and what you would do if that happened. Prepare for it whether that means having the number of someone who can do it, or how you can do some DIY repairs, even if it’s temporary.
Finally. Bush fire. Are you prepared? Do you have a plan? Do you have timeframes for doing your bush fire preparations every year? Talk to neighbours and find out their plan and see if something similar works for you. You can stay at home and fight fires, but the mental toll of doing that can be crippling and possibly never recover. My plan is for the family to leave immediately, and I gather all our important stuff and follow as soon as possible.
These aren’t unknown things. Airports are taken very seriously, and they work closely with regulators.
But especially when you’ve worked in a high reliability airport, you can’t help when you travel to others and notice where they’re falling behind, things they haven’t done yet. Etc.
Against Me - Reinventing Axl Rose
Bouncing Souls - Anchors Aweigh
Propagandhi - Supporting Caste
Touché Amore - Stage Four
Bomb The Music Industry - Vacation
The Cure - Paris
Going out to pubs and pointing out all the missing or lacking essential safety measures.
Going pretty much anywhere and talking about the breaches of electrical safety requirements.
In airports and explaining all the ways they aren’t complying with safety regulations. And now that I don’t work in an airport anymore I don’t know what to do with all that VERY specific knowledge.
And you could moonlight as a shadowrunner.
I think you’ll find everybody thinks you’re the cunt. Letting nazis and fascists do what they want is how things are going to shit to start with.
Other people have good answers already, but could also be nickel sulphide inclusion in poorly manufactured glass.
It’s online, but it’s still a community. It’s cool to see something you wrote a few weeks ago went down nicely with people you interact with.
The same as having a conversation with the lady at our local post office can end with some laughs or something like that.
On lemmy, yes, every few months I have a quick scroll in my post history.
Just to be like “haha, I remember that conversation” or something.
Also, as I scroll through I’m like “hey, people liked this” because at the time you just say something and move on. But maybe later you can see people were into it.
Back in 2003, me and my friend took a break from band practice.
He said he had a porn collection so off we went through the woods behind his house. After a while we get to this one tree and there’s a shovel behind it.
We go back to his house, on the other side is a river. He starts digging in the river back until he pulls out a buried plastic bag. And he just looks horrified when he looks in.
All the magazines are rotten and broken apart by water.
I don’t know what he was expecting to happen. Or why he hid the shovel in the woods. The whole time I was so confused.
I think you may be misunderstanding how statistics works.
I saw Against Me in 2004.
‘nuff said.
Ethan ‘Prepare Raw Meat on This And Then Just Rinse It With Water And Put It Back In The Cupboard’ Chlebowski
My short to medium future is looking for a new job, and then working. So it’s looking like a bleak forecast.
But I have obtained all my childhood Lego sets, and my older daughter is just nearing 4 1/2 years, so I’m looking forward to showing her how to do this.