Alt account of @Badabinski

Just a sweaty nerd interested in software, home automation, emotional issues, and polite discourse about all of the above.

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2024

  • Nah, I love cursing. I love a good, rancid obscenity. I’m perfectly capable of expressing myself without swearing, but I think it makes life so much more fun.

    I do try to be aware of my audience. I live in Utah where the Mormons continuously find new and exciting ways to swear without angering sky-daddy. “Oh my heck” is a great example, because “gosh” is potentially a nono outer-darkness word.

    I don’t live to offend—I’m not an edge lord. I want to be inclusive of the people around me, so if I know that the person I’m speaking to doesn’t appreciate swearing then I’ll avoid it. Swears may slip out if the conversation is sufficiently casual, but I’ll just apologize and we’ll move on like adults.

    It’s not a binary. You can swear in some contexts and not in others, provided you’re able to maintain some degree of mindfulness. That may not be possible if being around your family is like being captured in the Trauma Nexus.

    Now that I’ve gone all this time without swearing, let me share my favorite obscenity. My partner once described a really horrible person (someone who committed physical and sexual abuse) as a shit-filled cunt, and god damn if that isn’t just breathtaking. Truly a beauty to behold, she’s such an artist with words.

  • I know someone with an issue kinda like this. Some childhood trauma and neglect lead to her forming limerant relationships and made it difficult for her to be platonically friendly with men that she viewed as eligible. Her fix was doing evidence-based therapies like EMDR and healing her fear of being alone/unsupported/unloved. It took her a while, but she’s much better at having platonic friendships with men now.