“You know, sweetheart, if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s this: nobody knows what’s gonna happen at the end of the line, so you might as well enjoy the trip.” Manny Calavera
IntelliJ at work, neovim at home.
Hungovers last longer, so do injuries from sport, easier to put on weight, less patience for bullshit, more selective with whom I spend my time with… There are so many!
I’m a massive fan, and long time user, of bitwarden.
Mayim Bialik.
Yeah, maybe, not a bad idea. I’d be happy to use my phone less, though. Call, messaging app, note taking, and maps is all I need. I can leave browsing for when on the PC.
A Linux phone with colour e-ink screen and writing capabilities like the reMarkable.
A cortical stack that allows me to upload my brain to a computer, and make back ups or forks of myself.