If you’re looking for a good app to view them Feedly is great
If you’re looking for a good app to view them Feedly is great
How about disgustipated?
Same, not recent but I have a long list of eye opening facts I’ve collected throughout my life. Eventually you just accept it all. It’s not been easy to get to this point, it took a lot of mental anguish to get this numb to it all.
People are disappointing, even family
North Jersey Gutter Mouth
Same, I’d honestly just skip my birthday if that was an option
I eventually switched over to sparkling water and now I find normal soda nearly undrinkable. There’s lots of different brands with all types of flavors. It’s worth exploring.
Don’t give up, I believe in you
US Freelance Video Editor. Extremely common, some of us even had mini bars in their offices. WFH changed all that though.