I’ve been wondering for a while what’s up. I just assumed that they’re working on a redesign and somebody messed up with the original site code but haven’t fixed it yet.
I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!
I’ve been wondering for a while what’s up. I just assumed that they’re working on a redesign and somebody messed up with the original site code but haven’t fixed it yet.
Only times I have ever used it for anything has been whenever I’ve created an account for Perplexity* using a temp email and need the verification code but don’t wanna copy or type it out.
*I only use their AI for inconsequential things that have no impact on my life and are otherwise pointless, like writing very dumb stories.
Summer because I love the long, warm days with cool nights. I’m also a heat lover.
Sad that one of my favorite go-to sites for shows/movies is slowly dying. I hope the site gets itself together and can keep running.
The first ever concert I ever went to November of last year I got super lucky. Headliner band, a local hometown Rock group, had a few different CDs for merch sales. All the other acts had vinyl if they were selling their music on physical media, which was a real bummer because I would have totally gotten a CD from one of the other acts I really liked.
I’ve also been seeing vinyl at walmart any time I am unfortunate enough to have to go there. It doesn’t feel right. Totally agree on the space thing since I can currently fit all my CDs (for now) in a small drawer in my desk but would absolutely struggle to fit vinyl just about anywhere on/in my desk without it sticking out like a sore thumb.
Hopefully it’ll come sometime this year, but definitely looking forward to the first ever DLC for Brok the Investigator (Brawl Bar) to release. Same with the comic they’re working on that I helped fund that is coming at the end of the year in December.
I’d probably say something like my Sony Discman or any other CD player, if we’re talking the general public. CDs aren’t anywhere near as popular as they used to be thanks to streaming, but if you’re collecting like I am, a dedicated CD player is a necessity.
Easy Mode:
Definitely 2 of my favorite Weird Al songs that I don’t really hear people ever talk about:
Don’t Download This Song, and Virus Alert.
Hard Mode:
I don’t listen to non-Weird Al parody songs anymore and haven’t since late middle school to early highschool, so I got none in my head anymore.
Played the game Me And My Shadow. It’s an abandonware open source 2D puzzle platformer for windows that apparently was last updated in 2021, with source package last updated 2 years prior according to the last github nightly build release. Repo was archived January of this year. Not really a cool and exciting game at all compared to other open source games like Mindustry or SuperTuxKart or SRB2.
Technically not since they were married, were renting small house, and had at least one kid by the time they were my age. I’m still in college.
It would be a bad use of it, but probably pick a random road online and pick a random volcano. Whoever gets unlucky and doesn’t notice the nightmare portal in the ground gets a free trip to the base of a volcano at no cost. Would obviously need the portal to be in a location where you cannot just easily return from, though. Gonna turn a random volcano and random street into quite the tourist attraction for no reason.
Being in a basement, on a couch, playing Sonic Mega Collection on a CRT TV while also being able to pause and switch from AVI to DVR using the button on the TV to catch my favorite cartoons.
I spent a lot of time playing that game growing up, but I’d say doin what I described above was pretty peak for me back then, before middle or high school (couldn’t tell you which grade, though). Probably summer, not much to do, could switch between Sonic 3D Blast and what I think was a marathon on Cartoon Network, back when I used to be so much more into the pokemon anime, during the diamond and pearl era. I do remember a single fragment of an episode, with that aura guy with the blue hat and cape and his lucario.
Last time I went down the stairs at my apartment complex. Accidentally started going down on the wrong foot and wouldn’t land on the correct foot when I got off the stairs, so I jumped the last couple. Long story short, in my case it’s an autism thing more than any actual issue, so that is why I jumped.
Don’t know quite how things would work out, but definitely domesticat the North American beaver because they’re one of the coolest animals and you can’t convince me otherwise.
I don’t know. All I can say is it’s definitely related to the Internet causing slang to change faster than ever before. That, and the whole “censor yourself because large companies are family friendly pussies” culture that perverts the Internet. So it’s probably a combination of things like that.
Even as someone who grew up in the US, I always feel left out of the cultural landscape in a lot of ways. But that’s my own fault for walking to the beat of my own drum a lot of the time. I ain’t got time to learn shitty new slang or watch brain rotting videos or use most any social media out there (despite the fact I’m doing it more than ever thanks to Lemmy and Mastodon).
You ask me to make some old, outdated reference, I definitely can. “Paranoia Paranoia, everybody’s coming to get me! Just say you never met me!” ~ Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger
Or even one that’s probably even more obscure because it’s from a children’s songs CD. “2, 4, 6, 8, Sunny Skies All Day!” ~ What I Do In The Morning (from the “Hey! It’s Franklin!” CD)
But ask me anything about recent pop culture references and slang and I’ll draw a blank. Anything from Game of Thrones outside the popular memes like that “Winter is coming!” meme and I’m lost. That horrendous sk*bidi bullshit? Absolutely no clue other than it’s 200% garbage. Ask me the latest Internet trends and best I can say is AI filth and ruination most everywhere instead of any of the social media trends that people are actually asking about.
Works for Sonic 3D Blast on Genesis and probably the other games as well, but BARRACUDA (b a right right a c up d a) for certain things. I’d like to think it’s debug mode, but I don’t fully remember since it’s been more than a few months since I last played and tried on either 3D Blast, 1, or 2.
Correction, you also need money because ain’t no way in Hell the RIAA or any other version of them from another region will allow a small fry to do the same thing. They’ll bleed your bank account and then send their death squads.