hard to type but thats all tablets lol i also use nomad sculpt sometimes
Im learning to make edm visuals on tiktok using primarily Blender. Same username 3dmvr.
hard to type but thats all tablets lol i also use nomad sculpt sometimes
best nits for bribhtness and good batterylife at the price its quick and has a microsd slot
using s9fe rnow on sale its lowkey amazi g vsn run tenkaich ps2 emulation i use it for comics yt and stremio piracy but i tested games
since yall wanna downvote the deal that took me a week of looking through shill forum posts and testing 20 different sites to find with 8 core 16gb for 7$ a month, when most vps are 2 core 2gb at best for 5$ a month, im deleting my comment, im pety that way lol, if someone asks ill give them the site and deal tbh
easy with runtipi or yunohost any 5 dollar vps from lowendtalk racknerd hs some annual deals
It is closer to old twitter and I never cared about federation then wouldve been fine if it was never sold to musk I enjoyed it
all the major sites do, like the archiving ones, wikipedia, google, they all protect donors and investors, family that starts with a p, talking about them got hella ppl banned from tiktok its like pursuer or something some combo of those letters, another one married a billionaire and got hella ppl banned off tiktok, it was fun watching their accounts reappear get hella views get banned start over til they disappeared forever, I saw a few sites about it
Also odriscolls being real and modern day still killing ppl openly wasnt talked about for long on reddit, and uh only find posts saying they arent that dangerous now when before theyd talk about how they became another large group
arctic and mlem are good too
what do you want to discuss post it, no one has a montery incentive to make this site work for you, if you want it to do you gotta do it yourself, commentings a good step, now make a post about what you want to discuss so theres a more recent post on that community about it
We do? Some ppl dont, we have sugarcane, oranges, lemons, eggplants, peppers, and I forget the rest, my dad/grandpa are more into gardening. Its just not realistic to do a lot, cheaper and a lot faster to go the grocery storec more variety, hoemgrown stuff is ususlly more of an addon.
I enjoy learning vfx through houdini, id be doing it still if it wasnt so annoying to get on linux (im not paying for it, that 260$ a year cost is for me ppl making money and id do it if I was)
Blender is hella fun, like the ultimate sandbox game, cities skylines with no constraints (except much harder) I think with more and more addons it’ll be the perfect sandbox creative city builder. Like procedural roads, cities, procedural terrain, buildings, etc. When the laxk of freedom in those games dissapoint you just make animations, the end goal in some of these games like planet coaster is to have something cool to look at and modify freely, the economy means nothing, might as well make it in blender.
All YA books for a while targetted woman, boys get progression novels and litrpgs, but those didnt show up on book stores
Twitter was developing the at protocol and bluesky, think they always saw it eventually dying and had bluesky as their backup
Ngl this type of post on reddit used to make me depresssed as a kid and id make them too, dont want to see them, theres no point in thinking about this thats why ppl either dont or spend all their time religious
Because you dont know jack shit no one does, might as well wait til the longest possible length to figure out the unknown
feel like a shill but it suprised me with how solod it is i dont need an upgrade or change a year in like i thought i might