If you are currently needing help OF ANY KIND on your student loans it just isn’t available. You have no option but to default. This is an intentional situation created by the current administration.
WHY? What purpose does this serve? What possible use could it be to ANYONE, conservative, liberal, communist, or fascist to have people in this situation? Could someone please explain what is happening?
I know I’ll get a lot of “They just like hurting people” or “They’re just bastards” and that sort of thing, but surely, they must care about their “legacy?” Burning down the country isn’t what anyone should look for on a resume.
What the hell is going on? What’s the end game?
UGH. Just found this…
Palingenetic ultranationalism
Palingenetic ultranationalism is a definition of “true fascism” proposed by political theorist Roger Griffin. The phrase was first coined by Griffin in his 1991 book The Nature of Fascism. A key element is the belief that fascism can be defined by what Griffin posits in his book to be the true core myth of fascism, namely that of the need for a social revolution to occur first before a “national rebirth”, palingenesis, could then take place. Griffin argues that the unique synthesis of palingenesis, populism and ultranationalism differentiates fascism from para-fascism and other authoritarian, nationalist ideologies. He asserts that this is the “fascist minimum” without which, according to his definition, there can be no “true fascism”. Griffin himself describes fascism as a political philosophy built on the “perverse mythic logic” of destruction, which the fascist believes will then be followed by some form of political rebirth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palingenetic_ultranationalism
Crash the economy, buy up the scraps and do feudalism.
Maybe their goal is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debt_bondage.
Nobody wants Trump as their findom.
Considering the way MAGA voters act …
I’d be a pay pig for Ivanka.
Probably voter disenfranchisement actually.
?Why not both?
Not only is no help available, but the Dept of Ed has been pestering borrowers to re-certify their Income-Driven Repayment plan, since Biden’s SAVE plan is blocked by the courts leaving the shitty IDR as the only option for those who can’t afford their full payments (most people, I’d assume). But if you go to the page where you do the recertification, you’ll find that the forms have all been taken down.
It’s purposeful, to cause the maximum amount of pain to the most number of people who are the least likely to be able to handle it. I think a lot of them actually do want to burn it all down, and screw all the people who are harmed in the process. That’s what they want their legacy to be. They don’t want people who aren’t already wealthy to benefit from education.
We have to remember that the people making these decisions have no idea what life is like for a poor person. The kinds of payments that would ruin my life and yours are nothing to them.
So, they think we have the ability to afford these payments because they’re damned fools. They don’t expect mass defaults.
I think they’re wrong about that.
he people making these decisions have no idea what life is like for a poor person.
It’s worse than that, they actively despise anyone who isn’t at least a millionaire.
They’ve been very blatant about that, and it reflects every single action they’ve taken since getting office.
I mean hell, it can’t be helped. The colleges charged whatever because the government guaranteed the loans.
The banks approved the loans without any real credit check because the government guaranteed the loans.
People accepted the loans because they weren’t counted against your credit rating and the repayment terms were incredibly flexible.
Now all that shit’s out the window and hell’s about to break loose.
- Colleges will shut down
- Banks will be insolvent.
- people will lose their life savings and their retirements.
This shit is getting very real.
They don’t think about if people can or can’t. They genuinely do not care. It’s such a small amount to the people making the decisions that no further thought occurs.
Imagine if they introduced a law, that if you had defaulted on your student loans, you were not able to get a passport.
That would reduce the number of highly skilled people leaving the country if it got really shit.Skilled, intelligent people are a very, very hot commodity.
All it’d take is for a free country to offer some “workaround”, maybe just based on a few documents, etc…
It might prevent them from voting too
Honestly there’s probably something similar already. Because the loans are already a way to keep people in the country. You increase the educational expenses by a lot, make people take loans, and then make them pay a lot more after graduation. Since other countries have cheap/free education they don’t offer high salaries, so people don’t leave your country to work on other countries coz they can’t pay those loans on low salary.
I hear you, but what if maybe, I know this is crazy, the government only took from the people but didn’t actually provide any services to them. It could be soooo profitable!
They don’t care about their legacy, they don’t care about anything other than themselves.
Neoliberalism has taught, for decades, that ‘the hidden hand of the market’ meant that ‘enlightened self interest’ lead to the bet outcomes for everybody. So, yeah, they were told literally this.
Biden wanted to help students, and that’s enough for the Orange Führer to want to see them suffer. It’s really as simple as that, the cruelty really is the point
That and a sprinkle of Ayn Rand bullshit: If I fuck you over its your fault for being somehow inferior.
The plan is to keep the people dumb, in debt, in jail, in fear and/or under their control. there’s the idea of accelerationism, where to force change, instead of doing things like lowering national debt or slowing climate change, to do whatever it takes to increase them or speed them up, make them worse and let the survivors figure it out. With the jails packed and turned into debtors prisons, utilizing the prison population as cheap labor and a legal form of slavery, they think they can create an industrial revolution. there’s also a scientific revolution they hope to bring about, detailed here later.
When I say ‘they’ i’m referring to the US’s current administration of MAGt’s and muskrats, who also are in a triumvirate of power with vanilla pudding (the ruler of ru) and xj (if you gotta ask, you can’t afford it AKA the ruler of ch). they are the scamchurian candidates, the fronts of the real controllers, the ~2700 billionaires that are known about and a few other hundred that are probably hiding away somewhere. the goal is to end with control over the remaining 99.999999999% of the population by using about 2% to subjugate the rest and force change which will kill off 75% of the people (leaving a PROJECTed 25 percent left), which might slow global warming and the destruction of life on earth just long enough for the remaining scientist slaves to create a base on mars or underwater or in another dimension or whatever, where the 0.0000000001% will live, supplied by the space elevator or portal tech or whatever gets invented to allow them to continue their lavish lives at the cost of billions of others.
so what does this tinfoil hat rant have to do with student loan debt beyond keeping people dumb?
i have a theory using a metaphor based on Newton’s laws. they believe they are the unbalanced force in the first law, creating a change, disrupting the object in motion which is humanity and its future. they want to be, or believe they are, the result of the first law as shown by the application of the second law: the combination of mass and acceleration. they are the mass. they believe they are accelerating things. while the third law, every action has an opposite but equal reaction, is their methodology. by strengthening their hold over a large amount of educated people through debt and eliminating the department of education, it will suppress scientific progress and contain it, hoping to force a powerful reaction as the pressure builds and eventually boils out or explodes, resulting in some major scientific breakthrough that will save the day which they will take credit for. except it wont happen and instead there will be decades of unnecessary suffering as their plans fail miserably and all the bad things in the world continue to grow unchecked.
treat all that the talking heads say, as not just lies but the exact opposite of the truth and the plan is revealed. when they make accusations, that’s what they are planning to do. when they claim something they are doing will help people or industry or whatever, it will hurt it severely. destroy the dollar and other major currencies to force a switch to a cryptocurrency they control. censor information and remove freedom of speech. murder, arrest or deport anyone who dissents too loudly. epsteins island was nothing, instead of a pedophile island they will create a pedophile nation.
yeah, i know, this is all more than just a bit of a crazed rant. i can’t say i believe all this 100%. i don’t think it is all too far from the truth either. i wish i had the means to do something to stop it beyond ranting like a madman online. at least my student loans were forgiven. total and permanent disability did that. hooray. i’m debt free. now i can enjoy all that life has to offer… i had way too much coffee today.
Ahem. I’m not sure coffee accounts for all that.
Do you have outside eyes on you, helping you see if you’re going too far sometimes? We can all use some perspective now and then
Because that was a pretty distant shore.
yeah, true. mental illness accounts for more most likely.
having outside eyes on me is an interesting thought. i have a caring support network that i talk to regularly, family members and a psychologist, to help keep me rooted on earth most of the time, if that’s what you meant by the question. the question could also be interpreted as being monitored or surveilled, like by police or the like, which insofar as i know, no more than the average citizen, no less.
my hyperbole can be too hyperbole. the term adynaton comes to mind. idk if it’s from bipolar or adhd, like mania or hyperfocusing, or maybe artificial colors and lead paint or simply part of my personality or genetics. sometimes the imagination runs free, albeit disjointed at times.
I just meant family, friends, a non-threatening person who was keeping things in check when you spin off a little bit too far.
It’s a wild world, but sometimes not THAT wild.
Wish you the best man. Try to get outside and take a walk every now and again. Think about the things and people directly in your community. Ground yourself in your slowly progressing, small, and immediate environment.
I’ve honestly had the same thought, but then I look at the attitudes of the people involved and their implementation of what they’re doing and it’s hard to assume anything other than stupidity and malice. I don’t think Trump or Elon are capable of that sort of strategy, and if they are they’re two of the best actors on the planet. I really don’t think they’re nearly that intelligent or talented at actual deception. They’re certainly reckless enough, but I don’t buy that they’re anything other than dangerously stupid.
I wouldn’t be remotely surprised if that’s been the motivation for some of their supporters, though. There may well be people in the world who feel that pulling the pendulum as far into a shitstorm as it will go will create enough of a counter-swing to be worth the immediate results, and that may well have affected their voting. It seems like a pretty foolish gambit for anyone who has to live through it, though, and pretty heartless to boot.
If, on the other hand, the acceleration and counterbalancing is just a natural occurrence? A way to get from point A to point B with the least possible action? That doesn’t sound totally crazy to me at all.
But, like, there doesn’t need to be someone sneakily manipulating politics and capitalism for that to happen. Hopefully we do learn from what’s happening and what’s already happened enough to make some of the same sort of societal improvements much of Western Europe and the United States saw after WWII, preferably sooner than they did with a lot less damage in the mean time.
We do seem to be in a similar situation and have a similar opportunity to change things as a result once people actually get the ball moving. Assuming we do actually get the ball moving.
To place as many people as possible in bankruptcy
But BANKRUPTCY DOESN’T FIX IT. Biden gave us that.
Want is thousands?