Watched my coworker move her cursor to the right edge of her right-hand monitor to get it to over to the left side of her left-hand monitor. When I offered to show her how to adjust her display settings, she said she was used to it and didn’t want to change it. I don’t think I can walk by her desk while she’s working ever again.
What have you got?
Speed Typing King Sean Wrona on Not Using Shift Key
Must not use a mac. On mac keyboards there’s a small delay on the caps lock key where if you’re intentionally hitting it it will turn on, but if you unintentionally bump it hitting A or something it typically wont. I’m quick enough that sometimes I’ll it won’t engage.
That shit drives me insane I really want to turn it off.
To have a title such as Speed Typing King sound like a psycho /s
A tangent, so that explains one of the colemak mods having the caps lock as a layer key and shift as the caps lock, but it’ll revert to lower case after a letter.
Wow, I would have never thought of that
Yeah, I hate it when people don’t use the simple shortcut Win+Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L to open LinkedIn!
To be fair, I’ll use the more convenient shortcuts (cut/copy/paste, select all, save) that are genuinely easier to do with one hand. But Alt+F4? It either requires two hands or else your hand needs to qualify for Cirque de Soleil to hit it properly. Some of the “standard” keybinds are often more trouble than moving the pointer.
cmd+Q on macOS is great.