Homo Homini Lupus Est

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • Why I slightly care? Because life is more beautiful than devoting it to some deity that gives a rat’s ass about you. And I sometimes am delusional enough to think that cultists can escape. They rarely do because it’s so hard, but the chance is never zero.

    And lol, no. I grew up I an environment grounded in reality. There never was any religion. And suicide? Hell no, my life is fantastic. I don’t work, I travel, I live every hobby that fills me with joy, I have a wonderful wife and no kids nor pets. I wouldn’t change a thing and most definitely not suicide lol.

    I just despise religion/cults as it’s just a great thing to control the sheep and/or make money. and the concept itself is totally outdated. “God is dead” like Nietzsche said.

  • As you already went to ad hominem (as expected) And also seem to ignore what I said and rather see what you want to see, because your religious delusion only allows you to do that, I retreat from this “discussion”.

    If I learned one thing in life, it’s to never discuss anything with cult-followers. They’re all too far gone to even dare to look beyond their horizon. They prefer the comfy “truth” over the uncomfy reality.

    Oh and I never claimed it “just is”. I don’t have enough data to even form a theory. i just asked “what if”. But you already have all answers to everything, so why bother.

    So go back now to being a wage-slave to those who own you. Fulfill your cosmic destiny. This is what your master demands of you.

  • Just for the sake of the thought you’d actually be willing to talk about this (which i highly doubt, as your nick already hints at): YOU assume life has no meaning because it’s an accident. Why does it even HAVE to have a meaning? Why can’t it just be? So your brain can make “sense” of it all? Also no one’s life holds any intrinsic value at all. And only because you joined some cult and follow some abitrary rules (that the next cult of the same flavour does totally different, so who’s “right” to begin with?) doesn’t give your life value. To this planet you’re as valuable as a leaf or said excrement. Which is, in fact, way more useful for nature than YOU are or ever will be.

    Weak? Yeah of course. How else would you call it when someone needs someone else to tell them what to think, do or believe? If that’s not the weakest form someone could assume, then I have no idea what “weak” even is.

    Also, I’m no atheist, but thanks for assuming :-)

    PS: I find it really funny, that you use the word “reality” while you also believe in tons of unproovable fairy-tales from times long gone. Even with a mythical creator of all and everything that actually cares about wether you (and millions of others) pray or abuse your wife correctly. Exactly what every omnipotent being would totally love to.

    Anyhow, more than likely i’m wasting my time here. Luckily I have so much of it :-)